Friday, November 8, 2013

Ubuntu HTML5 API docs

HTML5 API docs published

I'm pleased to note that the Ubuntu HTML5 API docs I wrote are now done and published on These cover the complete set of JavaScript objects that are involved in the UbuntuUI framework for HTML5 apps (at this time). For each object, the docs show how the corresponding HTML is declared and, of course, all public methods are documented.

A couple notes:
  • I wrote an html5APIexerciser app that implements every available public method in the framework. This was helpful to ensure that what I wrote matched reality ;) It may be useful to folks exploring development of  Ubuntu HTML5 apps. The app can be run directly in a browser by opening its index.html, but it is also an Ubuntu SDK project, so it can be opened and run from the Ubuntu SDK, locally and on an attached device.
  • The html5APIexerciser app does not demonstrate the full set of Ubuntu CSS styles available. For example, the styles provide gorgeous toggle buttons and progress spinnners, but since they have no JavaScript objects and methods they are not included in the API docs. So be sure to explore the Gallery by installing the ubuntu-html5-theme-examples package and then checking out /usr/share/ubuntu-html5-theme/0.1/examples/
  • I decided to use yuidoc as the framework for adding source code comments as the basis for auto generated web docs.  After you install yuidoc using npm you can build the docs from source as follows:
  1. Get the ubuntu-html5-theme branch: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-html5-theme
  2. Move to the JavaScript directory: cd ubuntu-html5-theme/0.1/ambiance/js/
  3. Build the docs: yuidoc -c yuidoc.json . This creates the ./build directory.
  4. Launch the docs by opening build/index.html in your browser. They should look something like this 
Thanks to +Adnane Belmadiaf for some theme work and his always helpful consultation, to +Daniel Beck for his initial writeup of the Ubuntu HTML5 framework, and of course to the team for their always awesome work!